Friday, September 27, 2019

Orange Shirt Day and Unique Me Projects

We will be celebrating Orange Shirt Day on Tuesday October 1st next week. Orange Shirt Day is in recognition of Canada's Indigenous people. In grade 1, we will be reading the story, "When I Was Eight" and then talking about how each of our families are special and have different traditions. We will not be going into any detail about Reconciliation or Residential schools. This will also be the kick-off for our Unique Me projects where students will be creating a collage of pictures that represent their life. The pictures can be of the family, activities, hobbies, interests, and different objects/artifacts that are special and tell their story. If you have not yet had a chance to send in pictures to school, please send them by the end of next week. Please note, that we will be cutting and gluing the pictures and the pictures will not be returning home. Thanks so much!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Number Writing Poems

We have been working on writing our numbers correctly and explaining all the different ways we think about numbers. We:

  • say number words
  • write number words
  • write numerals
  • tally marks
  • ten frames
  • use our fingers
  • know some every day objects that are related to each number (eg. 2 wheels on a bicycle, 3 sides on a triangle, 4 legs on a dog, 5 fingers on our hand, 6 legs on a bee, 7 days in a week, 8 legs on a spider, etc.)

courtesy of 

Toonies for Terry and Terry Fox Run

Toonies for Terry 

Auburn Bay School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run on Wednesday, September 25th. As we lead up to our run, classes will be working towards increasing their stamina in Phys. Ed while fundraising money for cancer research. Please bring in Toonies for Terry to your classroom teacher as we spread cancer awareness.

On the day of the run, it is important that students wear appropriate outside shoes for walking/running along with dressing appropriately for the weather that day. Parents are welcome to join us for this event out on the soccer field at 1:45 PM on Wednesday, September 25th. The Terry Fox Run will last approximately 15 minutes and students will line up with their homeroom teacher to go back inside for the remainder of the afternoon when we have finished. We kindly ask parents to wait outside while this is happening and to pick up your child from their normal dismissal spot.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Calendar Math

We have been practicing the days of the week during our Calendar Math time. We have also been graphing the fall weather.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Parent Teacher Conferences

Please remember to book your conference using PowerSchool.
The scheduler opens on Sunday morning.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We are planning on celebrating Dot Day this Friday September 13th. Peter H. Reynold’s book The Dot challenges us to “Make our mark and see where it takes you.” Dot Day celebrates creativity, courage and collaboration and the students will be participating in different Dot Day activities. Students are invited to wear a piece of clothing that has orange on it if they are in Mr. Butler's class and purple on it if they are in Ms. Tjostheim's class as each grade 1 class will be wearing a different color. It can be an item that is all orange/purple or an item that has some orange/purple on it.

Friday, September 6, 2019