When your child’s folder goes home next week, a sight word
list will be included for practice along with home reading books.
Some students will already know some of these words and some
students will still be working on them.
As you practice nightly reading, please choose a few words
to focus on each week with your child.
Students can find the words in their books, as they are reading and/or
practice spelling them in the air or on the table with imaginary pencils.
Frequent exposure to these words will help to increase their reading fluency of
more books.
As you go through the list, if you find your child knows a
word (can identify it quickly by sight), please check it with a pencil or pen
to help them know which words they are learning. We will also review each student’s list with
him or her at school at least once a week.
Kidzone.wz has some great ways to practice your sight words at home.
Check out their website here:
Click on the links below for some printable sight words to practice at home.
List 1
List 2
Check out their website here:
List 1
List 2